Client company:
Non disclosure
Organising company:
Philosophy of Celebration

The Event

Event for IT company celebrating the birthday of the office in Ukraine. Previously, events were held as a concert with a celebrity. This time it is necessary to involve the guests as much as possible.

We moved guests to the Street of the Company, imagining that all employees live on the same street, where everyone knows each other, and you can meet your neighbors-colleagues here, who celebrate the birthday of the street of the company.
To involve guests as much as possible, we used an immersive theater. Guests suddenly found themselves inside the story and became its main characters.
To accommodate 1,500 guests, we took a former workshop of the factory. Decorative artists created theatrical scenery from recycled materials. In 2 days, we built a real street, with houses, shops, cafe, park, and central square with a fountain.
The plot of the evening was based on the fact that all residents were preparing for the celebration of the birthday of the street. Actors and artists were moving throughout the location so that the guests unexpectedly found themselves inside the plot.
Even the speech of the CEO took place near a fountain, among people, not on the main stage.