Client company:
Scouting Nederland
Organising company:
D&B Eventmarketing

Special Prize


The Event

To unite and celebrate the Dutch Scouting Association and all its volunteers we organised an energetic, hybrid event in a typical ‘Scouting’ way – campfire included!

We accepted the challenge to organise an hybrid experience for a typical physical community. To get the audience involved, we created ScoutON: the ultimate online scouting experience by using typical scouting activities and behaviour.

The different Scout associations were asked to gather at home in small groups to experience this unique one-night-only experience together. 3 nominated teams of volunteers attended the broadcast live

The open air show was broadcast live from the Scouting estate. We built a campfire on which a famous Dutch Chef cooked campfire snacks in an interactive way, so people at home could make them as well. Also: interactive music interludes by our live band, a live-video-report of a ‘chairman-dropping’, a Scouting Quiz, several photo challenges, a live-feed chat on screen for interaction with the viewers, a video message from the Dutch queen and master of all scouts (Bear Grylls!) and a special Scouting DJ made sure the party went on all night long!