Mirror house above the river

Mirror house above the river

Client company:
Paulig Coffee Latvia
Organising company:
Skudras metropole

Category Winner

The Event

A new, never-before-found, levitating Mirror House above the river in Latvia was created, where during the day visitors participated in coffee rituals, but at night can enjoyed a night adventure

Created a never-before-seen levitating Mirror House above the river. Every day, every hour, there were meditative Pour over coffee rituals performed by the visitors themselves. Rituals include Special brewing coffee according to the instructions, sparkling wine, as well as hidden edible stones / cakes, which can only be obtained if you make coffee properly and guess the game questions about the river Amata, coffee and the region. After attending the coffee ritual, the guests received a gift of specially created coffee for Mirror House. Every night, for 3 months, the bravest could enjoy an unaccustomed night adventure. It included a special dinner with a Pour over coffee ritual, an erotic game before the night’s peace, listening to the couple’s favorite music at the same time and night peace over the river, counting the stars, listening to animals crossing the river, wind and river sounds or birds chirping. During breakfast, a special variety of coffee created especially for was served.