Gullruten – Bringing the Norwegian “Emmys” back to LIVE

Gullruten – Bringing the Norwegian “Emmys” back to LIVE

Client company:
TV2 & Stiftelsen Gullruten
Organising company:
Fieldwork/Nordisk Film TV

The Event

Gullruten is Norways “Emmy” awards ceremony for the TV industry & includes media events, live TV Production event, VIP guest & sponsor events, activations & afterparty for 1100 guests.

Created graphic guide & applied it everywhere

Transitioned press launch event for 450 guests into an “after work” with our Gullbar19 concept. A fun-festive atmosphere where media interview while socialising with the nominees & the public. This created a unique & inclusive bonding experience
Used VIP guests (TV studio bosses) as DJ´s in a battle on stage at after party to over come budget issues

Choreographed dance routine for main solo artist performance with digital back up
Live streamed beauty lounge & VIP after party
Created Norways first digital choir with public submissions used on TV
Executed a plastic positive event through coop with Empower, & photo bombing on red carpet
Co-created digital & live content & activations to create value for sponsors- live: Popup wedding proposal of a recent reality show winner to her partner sponsored by a jewellery sponsors. Digital: funny product placement using stars in televised comedy skits