Client company:
City Editions
Organising company:
Magic Garden

The Event

Create and orchestrate the book launch through an unprecedented event in the publishing world, targeting media and KOL.

– Break the rules of the publishing industry
– Highlight the story and the message of the book
– Create a universe inspired by the book to deliver communication tools able to trigger curiosity and amazement
– Use new technologies to strengthen the book’s modernity
– Build a strong PR and KOL community
– Generate engagement and create content exposure

The idea: literally dive into the book, through an immersive and dreamlike global concept.
– A poetic pop-up invitation that awaken our child’s soul.
– An augmented reality experience offered by the creative invitation, teasing the book and the evening’s program.
– A unique and distinctive location.
– An immersive evening with 360° projections during the whole event
– A famous master of ceremony
– Prestigious guests and journalists