Client company:
Alexion AstraZeneca Rare Diseases

The Event

Emotional storytelling in an immersive VR landscape to raise awareness about a life-threatening rare disease. Along a live staged patient’s journey HCPs learned and discussed diagnosis and treatment.

We developed a VR Landscape that explains complex contexts in a tangible but not trivial way. The core idea was going beyond excessive and long expert presentations. We started from the other side. Based on a real patient’s journey we staged a storyline that takes both perspectives into account, the medical expert and the patient.
The guests hear “Felix’” real story: from the first symptoms to the emergency room, up to the way back to a “normal” life, as told by himself as well as in dialogue with a leading nephrologist – a professor from the Technical University of Munich. He explained, data, diagnosis, progression and treatment with all the necessary details. Within this live storytelling we used VR-super powers. We shrunk the guest to enter a blood vessel. In the middle of blood particles they saw, understood, learned and discussed how the immune defense system works in detail. And what happens if it does not work correct. A completely new dimension of amazing edutainment.