The Safety Summit – It’s in our nature

The Safety Summit – It’s in our nature

Client company:
Vandeputte Safety Experts
Organising company:
KonseptS Events

Category Winner

The Event

The Safety Summit is THE event for safety and well-being in the workplace, in a setting of an unique exhibition experience for everyone who’s inspired by safety.

When visitors should feel that “Safety is in our nature”, let us be clear from the start. “It’s in our nature” became the baseline for the 2022 edition theme. We linked summit (referring tittle) and sustainability (main goal) to nature. That’s how our event image and overall feeling were born. The event image is a mountain that reflects the 4 domains of expertise in clear icons, but also in detailed scenes that take place. All over the event we let these scenes appear, big our small, but always without making a caricature of it. With focus on sustainability we got inspired by “Pop up Pallets” for furniture as well as break out rooms made out of recycled and reusable pallet wood. The wooden look & feel of the event made it one of a kind and out of the box.