Celebration of the foundation of the Hungarian state. One of the most important national holidays for Hungarian people all over the world.
We have organized a variety of colorful events so that everyone can find the one closest to them to get together for this prominent occasion.
In addition to the state honors ceremony, where the officers of Hungary were inaugurated with military honors on the main square of the Nation, we organized a classical music event (Panoráma Classical, Operetta Korzó, the Magic Garden for children in the Városliget. Hungarian athletes also had a place at the Sports Heroes event. In the Buda Castle on the Árpád Tóth Promenade theater companies gave a taste of our country’s history, the Bálna hosted an art picnic, the Festival of Old Crafts, the Retro Party in Tabán and Magyar Ízek utca, as well as the Csárdafestival, visitors could also get to know Hungarian gastronomy.