Russian Film and Television Producers Awards, Virtual Experience

Russian Film and Television Producers Awards, Virtual Experience

Client company:
Russian Film and Television Producers Association
Organising company:
TV Channel Five

The Event

Film & TV Producers Association’s award is a professional prize for film production achievements – Russian equivalent of the Emmys.The most venerable producers of Russia are among awards’ jury members

Due to the pandemic, the usual format of the event has shifted to a hybrid offline + online format. The leading producers of the Russian cinema industry gathered in the studio of Channel 5 and the nominees, including directors, screenwriters, cameramen, artists, make-up artists, and sound engineers (about a hundred people in total), got in touch online. It was also possible to watch the broadcast of the ceremony on the Channel’s website.
The secret behind a perfect ceremony in a hybrid format: a unique, technically equipped studio, augmented reality screens, television equipment, excellent set, unconventional script, and a professional team of organizers and performers.