Hong Kong Harbour Fiesta

Hong Kong Harbour Fiesta

Hong Kong
Client company:
Organising company:
Hong Kong Tourism Board

The Event

Hong Kong Harbour Fiesta presented local and global audiences with an audio-visual experience that inspired new interest in the city as it commemorated the 25th anniversary of the HKSAR.

Inspired by an anniversary logo whose red-and-gold symbolised cultural-historical links with mainland China, the event’s centrepiece was a nightly multimedia show bathing the harbour and skyline in dynamic bursts of red and purple light. It incorporated:

-Symphony of Lights (SOL) multimedia show with interactive lights from 40+ buildings/attractions.
-19 synchronised LED screens displaying celebratory messages and animations. Twin screens at the Immigration and Revenue Towers displayed animations running from one to the other.
-Dancing lights at Avenue of Stars, Central Pier No 4-6, Wan Chai Temporary Promenade, Water Sports and Recreation Precinct at Wan Chai Harbourfront, Ocean Terminal, Hong Kong Palace Museum.
-Wash lights accenting Central Government Offices and Legislative Council Complex.
-Moving lights on Star Ferry, synchron ised with SOL music.
-SOL music broadcasted for celebratory atmosphere. Spectators could also listen via mobile app developed by the Tourism Commission.