HIA 30 Year Gala

HIA 30 Year Gala

Client company:
Saudi Research and Media Group
Organising company:
HQ Worldwide Shows

The Event

HIA Celebrated its 30th anniversary with an enchanting night that transported guests through a journey of discovery of the past 30 years and showcased the organisations re-brand and future direction.

As operations lead, the opportunity for creativity can be somewhat limited. Whilst the primary creative resides within technical delivery and set/scenic, operations tends towards functionality by its nature and requirement. That said, HQWS used the operational platform to enhance the guest journey of what was set to be a wonderous evening.
Every touch point was considered with a high level of detail, from host/usher selection and training, traffic management and vehicle routes ensuring speed of access and low wait/transition times as well as amenities within the vehicles themselves, to the nuances and accessories of staff uniforms and the artistry and presentation of the 5 course fine dining meal.
The primary opportunity to showcase creativity lay within the show running, gala dinner and content curation, where HQWS developed a sensory spectacle that personified the identity of HIA and conveyed that with elegance to the audience through sight, sound and taste.