The R+V celebrated its 100st anniversary by giving something back to society. A 1year sustainable public campaign, consisting of a tour with two tiny houses and a relevant, innovative future festival.
The idea was, instead of just celebrating oneself, to give sth back to society. The R+V wanted to create a relevant, German wide platform discussing & supporting sustainability & the possibility for shaping the future together.
So together, we created the year long campaign: #MISSIONMITEINANDER (“mission together”). It started with the sustainable constr. of 2 tiny houses that in its technology where self supportive, meaning they contained cameras, audio, screens & streaming technique in order to stream weekly discussions over 5 months into the social media channels. The discussions and experts came from all areas of sustainability & together with the platform and Social Media presence, motivated over 1000 projects to apply for financial and personal support of overall 1.6million Euro.
As highlights of the tour, a digital opening & a hybrid event 100 days before the anniv. where dynamically filmed & streamed in between the 2 tiny houses, presenting the results of the project support.