Atlas Copco Global Sales Force, 950 people, where flown into Belgium/ Antwerp. Reason: In many product ranges new products where launched. The launch day on monday was followed by 3 days of intensive interactive training sessions, providing them all necessary content and product knowledge so sales could increase. But more important was the Emotional Goal, increasing their level of pride, their sense of commitment, engagment. Showing a new vibe, positive changes, fresh air, …
We stayed far away of the use of the existing AC branding. Of course we implemented it but we didn’t start from it. We created an entire new world, a new look and feel that focused on the story, on the emotions. Being a global company and working with all different nationalities we linked this with color! It was spring, flowers would blossom, fresh air. Compressors work with air, air means wind, blow, … we thought of the Indian concept Holi where colors are blown by people into the streets; we saw joy and laughter, we felt freshness and excitement. A campaign was born! We made it stronger by creating event visuals with real Atlas Copco Employees. We stayed far away from boring meeting rooms and typical break out sessions. We created 8 break out session in big Event Branded cylinders. We implemented an in ear system to cover up acoustic issues. The ugly translation booths were esthetically implemented. RFID tagging was used to make sure everybody was present in the right session.