google home training

google home training

Client company:
Organising company:
laqshya live experiences pvt. ltd.

The Event

Being a relatively new product category altogether, consumers and front-line staff alike would have many questions. So if promoters were to be adequately informed, they needed to know the product first-hand. What we did was replicate the ‘Escape Room’ format on ground. Without prior notice, mobile phones and devices were taken away from the attendees before they entered the venue, and all exits sealed. The only way out of the event was by navigating the training with the help of Google Home.

The target audience (the trainees) are typically tech-savvy, competitive people under 30. So, the format of trade shows are typically cluttered and uninspiring for them. That’s where we stepped in. Picture the ‘Escape Room’ or the ‘Big Boss House’. Imagine an event where delegates are trapped till they get the message! No one enters, no one leaves – till the mission is accomplished 100% with a combination of quick-thinking and problem-solving.

A suite at the hotel was done up to look like a Google Home. From the minute the 25 people (per event) walked in, everything from lighting, technical, to the training modules had to be controlled by the delegates (the trainees) using the Google Home device till they figured out for themselves how the product works and how they could leave the room!