Client company:
Sopra Steria Norway
Organising company:
Just Cruzin' Production AS

The Event

2500 employees gathered for a week-long digital and physical festival. 220 keynotes, 30 podcasts, 5 digital and 21 physical stages and their own music festival, all executed on existing infrastructure

Normally we organize events like this at one large venue to make room for 2500 people. With sustainability in mind and the desire to involve the audience we wanted locations all over the city center.
2500 participants, includes 2500 different personal preferences. We created an event facilitated for every individual. Learning from the pandemic, the demands and expectations of a event have drastically changed.

During the pandemic Sopra Steria had success with digital knowledge sharing. We combined the best from the digital and the physical. What to bring a long and what to leave behind?

One key element was the freedom of choice. We extended this to all levels of the event. From the digital platform, to the physical keynote, the food and your transport between venues.

The backbone of the concept is also to be able to make sustainable choices. We co-created a solution to track all emissions and give a value added report that also includes sustainable factors.