Client company:
Yolo Group
Organising company:
Milestone Events

The Event

“Funfair of Dreams” combined the creative idea expressing the essence of the company with the personal dreams of the employees to make them feel they work at a company that inspires and supports them.

Our task was to find a solution to inspire employees with the event’s content, idea and visual appearance in a way that it would fulfill its purpose in the strategic development of the company, as well as be a celebration for the employees.

The atmosphere, activities and program were all inspired by Yolo’s slogan “Fun, Fast & Fair”. Yolo employees mainly produce “fun” for the customers, but at the gala, they themselves were at the center of it all. Six months of searching for the perfect attraction culminated with the biggest hit of the evening – a real carousel in the middle of the venue (and it was quite a challenge to get it in…)

We also built the biggest custom-made light chandelier ever seen in Estonia, which was audiovisually connected to the carousel, stage, activities of the evening and the music. The light show was programmed in tune of all performances and movement. All production solutions were part of the overall atmosphere of the event.