Qatar Elements

Qatar Elements

Client company:
Supreme Committee for Delivery & Legacy
Organising company:
Ceremonies Staging Agency

The Event

A unique temporarily multimedia museum, constructed on the Moscow River right by the largest central park. Aimed at introducing the culture and traditions of Qatar to citizens of Russia and international guests of the 2018 World Cup. This digital space has offered the visitors a chance to momentarily transport into the exciting world of the next host of 2022 World Cup.

The creative idea was to place a person into a space, void of any distraction and submerge them into an audio-visual experience that presented as larger than life. To that end, new ways of combining existing technologies were devised and adapted by the team. The technologies implemented created a dichotomy with the material presented at the museum – modern technologies bringing to life ancient historical symbols and cornerstones of a whole nation, seeking to connect with the world’s audiences in a universal, understandable way.