Anti-Panic is a virtual platform, whose task is to showcase crisis solutions explained by an interdisciplinary group of leaders sharing information & motivation critical to right decision making.
Key elements were
#3 CHAMBERS: 1.Leaders & Public chamber. 2. Essential 100 room – leaders whose work has significant economical, social, or scientific impact. 3. Speakers.
#INTERACTIVITY – each chamber has a different level of interactivity access allowing polling, engaging in debate, or steering the conversation topic.
#TECH – we combined several powerful tools into one state of the art virtual platform. The main elements are Zoom for AV access, Media server Ventuz for 3D realtime distribution, for interactivity and Youtube,FB and LI for community management and live streaming.
#ART – we have employed 3D artists and illustrators to create brand new environments on the WEB and in the VIRTUAL to achieve max. engagement, convey given messaging and attract attention.
This setup allowed many News to stream our program on their homepage. The platform is solution oriented, therefore speakers, reporters, or schools re-shared the program and contributed to the positive thinking.