Client company:
Daiichi Sankyo Europe
Organising company:
trendhouse event marketing GmbH

The Event

We care for every heartbeat, have 2 new products and want to become market leader.
The objective: create a pan-European, companywide buzz to prepare the launch of 2 new cardiovascular products.

Shifting from a planned F2F event in Mallorca to an entertaining digital experience of a 4 events meant re-purposing the existing concept with rapidity and agility.
We kept one element – the patient centricity – as central piece for the new concept.
How does it feel to have a heart attack? We created and followed the story of Robert – a fictional cardiovascular patient – throughout the 4 episode series. The series kicked off with Robert experiencing a heart attack during his 65th birthday.
Robert’s story was told via a VR movie that we produced exclusively for the series of 4 events to compensate for the shorter attention span for digital formats. The VR production gave us the opportunity to let the audience experience the heart attack in POV – what made the whole experience quite impressive. Furthermore, Robert’s story helped us to create cliff-hangers that we used to keep the audience in front of their screens over the course of the series.