Aditya Birla Awards

Aditya Birla Awards

Client company:
Aditya Birla Group
Organising company:
Fountainhead MKTG

The Event

Aditya Birla Awards honour best performances across the group globally.
Attended by 2000 top,senior & middle management members.
Highest recognition one achieves internally.
14-16 Dec, Hyderabad

2018 upped the game while bringing the essence of ABG alive. The Spirit of Creation, was our theme & brand values of Vision, Inspiration, Effort & Journey became the pillars the theme stood on. The conference saw 3 international speakers, pioneers of creation, embodying the values of ABG in their lives- tech pioneer, TED speaker, writer & entrepreneur Tom Wujec, Director & Professor of Economic Development at the Kennedy School at Harvard University-Dr. Ricardo Hausmann & Rory Sutherland, Vice Chairman, Ogilvy UK.
ABG is an Indian brand that’s a global conglomerate. In an unprecedented format for any internal event in India so far, we brought the world down to 1 stage at the awards. 150+ performers comprising of Indian & international dancers were a part of 1 large scale custom-written theatrical directed by international show director, Nikos Lagousakos & his team of the Olympic Games repute. Multiple technologies & custom automated units were used to bring this narrative alive.