Global Sales Conference. Number of participants: 2.300 persons – spread across 56 countries. Target group: Maersk global salesforce – manager level. Duration: Four-day sales conference 2019.
Before starting the conference, Maersk invited 500 people managers to manager dinner at the legendary football stadium in Madrid, Santiago Bernabeu. The first stage, was a 52 meter large mapping stage, representing the past and the old mind-set. Participants were after a short introduction to the past and how Maersk wants to become one united organization, invited by Soren Skov (CEO) to physically walk and experience the past (the first stage) and towards the future and into the second stage representing the future, with a 52-meter large goblin stage. To create an experience of that physically change, we incorporated three large container tunnels combining stage 1 and 2, to symbolize the transformation Maersk is undergoing. At the second day of the conference days, the conference was based on two learning objectives – customer knowledge sharing and segment knowledge sharing. On the last day, participants started in break-out sessions to reflect on their learnings.