A series of innovative virtual events (Green Deal, Porto Social Summit, Citizens’ Dialogues…)

A series of innovative virtual events (Green Deal, Porto Social Summit, Citizens’ Dialogues…)

Client company:
Representation of the European Commission in Slovakia, European Parlament Office in Slovakia, European Commission Brussel
Organising company:

The Event

How to communicate with EU citizens during pandemic restrictions.
Creating virtual and hybrid events with a focus on creativity, innovations, dramaturgy to deliver the message of the events.

We have pushed the boundaries and possibilities of production, preparation and perception of virtual events.

– The unique technological solution based on the unreal engine consisted, for example, in remote directing in combination with the connection of speakers from all over Europe and the virtual transfer of physical speakers from the virtual studio to the physical scene.

– Remote directing – for example, it was a connection of two green screen studios in Lisbon and Bratislava, while the connection of speakers was controlled from Brussels, all directed from the studio in Bratislava.

– Directing in a foreign language – the biggest challenge was directing an event that also took place in Portuguese, for example. The project included interpreters in the studio, who interpreted what was happening on stage for the main director so that he could react immediately. At the same time, they interpreted into the studio communication with connected spectators – citizens who asked