Client company:
Baltic Amadeus
Organising company:
UAB Rekurai LT

The Event

A groundbreaking 34th-anniversary celebration for Baltic Amadeus, designed to rejuvenate employee connections and showcase innovation. The event featured a “Wishday” theme, a one-of-a-kind cone-shaped

Our event, themed “Wishday”, was a creative masterpiece that reimagined traditional birthday elements and elevated them to a new level. The cone-shaped stage was transformed into a birthday cake adorned with candles, and the birthday balloons evolved into a large-scale installation with a timecode show. This creative environment encouraged employees to use their imagination to fulfill their colleagues’ wishes, fostering a problem-solving atmosphere among the team. The event’s creativity was not just in its unique concept but also in its execution, potentially fulfilling the wishes of all employees who participated in the event. The event’s centerpiece was an innovative oval stage with a cone beneath it, a never-before-seen feature imported from Denmark, a stage that had to be reinforced after the show so it could hold people on it without moving. The opening show was another highlight, featuring a multi-instrumentalist playing a variety of unique instruments, including a horn.

Live Presentations