The Blind Fitter – Should´ve gone to…

The Blind Fitter – Should´ve gone to…

Client company:
Specsavers Norway
Organising company:

The Event

Specsavers store opening in Oslo Norway Februar 2018. How to do a low budget store opening in the most crowded area in Oslo City before, during and after an actual store opening in a creative way using the brands identity and slogan. The target audience was the population of Oslo who needs glasses or eye test so we wanted to communicate to them in a playful way before the opening of the new store. How do we get most people and sales to the opening day and engage them to spred the word…?

The creative concept The blind fitter should´ve gone to is playing with the slogan of Specsavers (Should´ve gone to..) in an relevant and fun way when we pretended that the fitter who set up the boards actually did not manage to do it right because he/she must have a bad view and need glasses…The print on boards was half upside down and was of course not wrong but on purpose. Creative way to engage the target audience to tear down the paper hiding the store on the actual opening day.