Instead of a blurry webcam look, the RINGANA virtual convention amazed the audience with high quality content and a flawless shopping experience. Resulting in more than 15.000 happy viewers.
Desperate time call for innovative measures – as innovation is a main part of RINGANAs philosophy, we saw the opportunity to redefine the idea of their yearly convention.
Reflecting beauty, turning it inside out, go into the deep microscopic level of substances, – looking at the conecept of beatuy these days and from historic, cultural perspective, from the philosophic point of view.
that was the base for the creation of our storytelling. A Tv formated show with interactive dance performance, trainings, panel discussions, speeches, live broadcast to 5 Citys in 5 countries
The event plattform accompanied with different visuals states included an exclusive shopping experience , personalized user experience though smart ticket/registration processes (e.g. personal welcome), places to share their achievements and emotions with others.
The RINGANA virtual convention web stream player was handmade/programmed, integrated the varierty of translations into 9 languages and interaction.