Heineken F1 Festival Senna Tribute

Heineken F1 Festival Senna Tribute

Client company:
Organising company:
Red Door Agency

The Event

A Formula 1 event in the streets of São Paulo (+at the the Grand Prix), created for Heineken to engage with 25+yr sports fans, by celebrating the most important Brazilian driver ever – Ayrton Senna.

There’s only a name we could think of: Ayrton Senna. He’s the most famous Brazilian driver ever, and a national hero & symbol. 2019 marked the 25th anniversary of Senna’s passing. So it was about time we pay him a tribute and get everyone on board. It is created the Heineken Formula 1 Festival – Senna Tribute.
A tribute to present Senna to those who were not old enough to see him racing; to celebrate the life of Brazil’s most important driver, and a tribute to shows that his legacy lives on. We teamed up with F1, Heineken and Instituto Ayrton Senna to create the ultimate Senna experience. A pre-event campaign: #ObrigadoSenna where for each # posted by fans, Heineken donated money to the Institute.
Then, a 5-hour event dedicated to Senna in a noble public park and streets, opened to the crowd. His passions, achievements, and, for the 1st time in Brazil, his very own F1 cars on the streets, driven by big local names, and more activations during the Grand Prix, at Interlagos Race Track.