Consumer Live 2022

Consumer Live 2022

United Kingdom
Client company:
BT Group
Organising company:

The Event

With 2020/21 being virtual, we had to make sure BT came back to live with a bang. The result was a one-day immersive, experience-led event that saw 4,500 attend in-person and 16,000 online.

Founders. Everyone was made a Founder of new EE. The EE logo made up of 20,000 particles, each signifying a colleague in EE ready to take their place in new EE. Throughout the day hero colleagues were showcased, highlighted because of their outstanding, personal, local customer service or being a brilliant ally for a colleague. By displaying these behaviours, they lived the true values of the EE brand and through real-time animation and motion graphics, they took their place as a Founder of “New EE” with a particle becoming an image of them. The call to action? It’s time to take your place in our future and become a Founder of EE.

Personal is a prominent pillar of the Consumer strategy and important that every experience we design emulates a personal experience, from comms, registration, arrivals and your event experience are designed with your interests, ambitions and professional priorities in-mind.