Enlightening Drone Light Show

Enlightening Drone Light Show

Client company:
Italian Chamber of Commerce in Singapore
Organising company:
Triumph Group International

The Event

A show in the skies of Singapore that illuminated the city, making it a stage and every person a spectator. 500 drones thus described values ??and society.

The Drone Light Show began from one of the most iconic sites in Singapore, the Gardens by the Bay, introduced by plays of light which, bouncing from one Supertree to another, illuminated the faces of the spectators in time with the music. With noses already turned upwards, from the most famous metal hair in the world, the eyes moved on to the 500 drones that danced across the skies of the city, giving life to a show with a low environmental impact but a strong emotional power.
The creative idea was born from the need to break down every barrier, cultural, social and geographical. The storytelling then developed around the key words, Science-Care-Communities, translating each of these terms into a spatial and thematic conception that managed to involve people from every point of the city, transforming them all into the audience of a show that struck each target.
The project has an innovative connotation in its very identity, which opens up and speaks to the public.

Live Presentations