Client company:
Klimatum AB / Vattenfall
Organising company:
Brand Arena Nordic Group AB

The Event

We made a whole island carbon free for 24 hours and invited some of Sweden’s biggest influencers and leaders focusing on the climate issue, tech innovation and leadership.

Our creative solution became a storydoing event, a climate-smart B2B meeting place where pioneering companies and individuals shared their passion for solving the planet’s most urgent challenges.

We showed visitors that living climate-smart does not mean that you need to compromise on quality of life. On the contrary. Technology and solutions already exist today for a sustainable lifestyle. From start to finish, all experiences were completely carbon dioxide-free for the guests to experience the power of change. We experienced climate-smart innovation together.

Never before has such a climate-smart event been held on an island. Never before have so many different entrepreneurs from so many different industries met and exchanged ideas and talked about collaboration opportunities in climate-smart innovation. The guests got a better understanding of what is already possible with modern technology, passion and will, when it comes to reducing our carbon dioxide emissions.