Unicef- Event-Help Yemen with clean water!

Unicef- Event-Help Yemen with clean water!

Client company:

The Event

The purpose of the event concept and creative idea was to draw attention to the humanitarian crisis in Yemen, where children suffer a particularly vulnerable situation due to the lack of water.

In a public toilet in a Stockholm shopping mall, we did a “take over” on one of the sinks. To clearly show what the hygiene situation looks like for many vulnerable children in refugee camps, we recreated the situation of the vulnerable children. We turned off the water and soiled the sink with a foil that looked dirty and unhygienic.
The purpose was to recreate the everyday situation of the vulnerable children in refugee camps, while urging the visitor to donate money. By moving a small piece of everyday life that prevails in Yemen to our own everyday life, we were able to get people to stop and think in a way that creates the necessary emotional connection to donate money.

When we talk to people in a relevant context, they are extra receptive to what we have to say. And when we can create an emotional response it increases the likelihood of action and get people to donate money to help the children in Yemen. A QR code made people donate already on site.