Comedy Stage at NOS Alive

Comedy Stage at NOS Alive

Client company:
NOS Alive
Organising company:
Everything Is New

The Event

NOS Alive, one of the biggest musical events in Portugal, has taken on the commitment, together with the United Nations, to promote sustainability and give visibility to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Bordalo II was the artist invited to intervene the comedy stage, one of the six stages at the venue. Using only trash he created DESnature, representing the dichotomy between the old and future generations, calling our attention to the DEStruction inflicted on our world every day.

By transforming one of the six stages in an art installation, by using only trash, Bordalo created a space that could be shared by the live comedic acts and the festival goers. Representing the dichotomy between the old and future generations, he calls our attention to the DEStruction inflicted on our world every day. Various live comedic acts took place on stage with the artist’s piece as background, one of them being the world renowned Simon Day alongside many other national performers.