UN Climate Change Conference 2017 – COP23

UN Climate Change Conference 2017 – COP23

Client company:
Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety (BMUB - now BMU)
Organising company:
Vagedes & Schmid GmbH

The Event

In 2017, Vagedes & Schmid took on the responsibility for the greatest project in political communications of that time and the largest ever international conference to be held in Germany: the UN Climate Chance Conference 2017 or Conference of the Parties (COP). As general contractor and lead agency, the company created a 55,000 square meters temporary conference site in the Rheinaue Park in Bonn. Since the Republic of Fiji held the COP presidency the Fijian Spirit had to be present at the venue.

For the UN Climate Change Conference, Vagedes & Schmid developed a unique dialogue concept: One Conference – Two Zones. Under this concept, varied rooms were created for personal exchanges about complex subjects and issues, spread over the entire area. The interior and exterior design and the event program were designed around the dual zone concept. The Bonn Zone, as it was called, featured many colourful special events, exhibitions and country pavilions and was used for intensive civil society dialogue. The diversity of this zone was reflected in country-specific decorations combined with a wide range of natural materials, bright colours and modern designer furniture. In the Bula Zone (Fijian for welcome”), negotiations were held in the World Conference Centre and the UN Campus. To create a connection between the Bonn Zone and the UN buildings, design forms based on the colours of the logo and the wavy visual imagery of Fiji, the host nation, were incorporated into this location.