Annual internal convention showcasing the Coca Cola Europacific Partners’ strategies to reach its objectives while engaging and motivating its collaborators
Our stance was to move the creative insight from the format itself to an innovative and never-seen before collaboration.
The talk show was the best format to incent both an online & offline audience. To give creative liberties for all the brands and at the same time encapsulate it in a coherent universe, elaborate around codes known by everyone and to offer a variety of formats for the speakers & content.
We needed the best to change the game of the digital corporate convention, bringing it to the “cool” level.
We worked with Brut. and Renaud Le Van Kim to produce a real professional TV show, not pastiching it.
To bring their expertise to the greatest info-tainment show created in France like “Le Grand Journal” to keep the audience’s attention and bring their engagement to the next level.
To make corporate content, cool, fun, shareable
To make people switch from “co-workers” to “fans”.
All together, we invented the first COOL