Prendiamola con Filosofia (Let’s be philosophical) – Lockdown Festival

Prendiamola con Filosofia (Let’s be philosophical) – Lockdown Festival

Client company:
AlceNero, Audible, BMW, BuddyBank, BNL, eFM, Enel, Levi’s, MySpot, Sogei, Toyota, Unicredit, Plesh, Aiic, Converso, IESE Business School
Organising company:
Piano B and Tlon

The Event

A digital festival totally produced from home for the lockdown.The aim of the 6 appointments was to propose cultural tools capable of transforming fear and pain into shared enthusiasm and intelligence

Piano B and Tlon have created a real international digital festival, with contents of high importance for the public, entirely produced from home. We desired to stimulate thoughts by touching key issues for the contemporary community such as philosophy, love, politics, economy, environment. The impossibility of using traditional training and educational contents (museums, schools, universities, theater, etc.) has imposed the virtuous use of digital tools capable of culturally supporting citizens. We invited great speakers from different countries and sectors, such as the writer and journalist David Quammen, the philosophers Franco Bolelli, Roger Pol Droit, Miguel Benasayag, Judith Butler, the director Giuseppe Tornatore, the singer Jovanotti, the writer Roberto Saviano, the activist Vandana Shiva…