Yara Earth Pulse

Yara Earth Pulse

Client company:
Yara International
Organising company:
Fieldwork member of 27Names

The Event

The Pulse Experience – A Internal physical event connected to Earth day to excite, prepare and engage Yara employees for the external Pulse campaign launch on the 22nd of April, 2023.

The Pulse Experience!
Our concept: Step inside the world of Pulse with a unique experience, an immersive event designed to stimulate the senses through visuals, storytelling, sound, movement, touch, smell & taste and leave all employees excited about the campaign!
By creating an experience that engaged all the senses, we believed we could get all employees focused on and excited about the campaign and the brands ambition.

Due to low budget, we needed to use Yara’s internal auditorium but as a corporate ‘grey box’ this presented some challenges to which we had solutions!
We repurposed Yara’s auditorium to build an experiential environment by adding and entrance tunnel, draping to black out the room, new furniture and set the room up with ambient lighting, custom sound & scents.
Everything was meticulously crafted for the employee and with the employee journey in mind.

Live Presentations