Presentation of ‘Los pilates de la tierra, el musical’.

Presentation of ‘Los pilates de la tierra, el musical’.

Client company:
beon. Entertainment

The Event

Introducing the 27 actors who are part of the new musical ‘The Pillars of the Earth’. The event was attended by 50 guests and more than 60 confirmed journalists from 48 mass media.

To present to society, through the media, the musical of the best seller written by Ken Follett ‘The Pillars of the Earth’. The world premiere will be at the EDP Gran Vía Theater in Madrid on November 20.

The site chosen for the presentation was the German Evangelical Church, a truly special space that perfectly matched the story and the essence of the best seller written by Ken Follett. The outside was decorated as if it were a medieval market, with waiters dressed as monks, stalls that served as catering stations and a customized menu that respected the main foods of the time. The entire space was decorated with banners, banners and a sign welcoming visitors to Kingsbridge, the village where much of the story takes place.