Client company:
heineken spain

The Event

guinness st. patrick´s is the parade aimed to take the brand beyond pubs and share all that the spanish and irish culture have in common with everyone who loves tradition and the best music.

this year guinness´s goal was to elevate madrid to the height of the big cities of the world with a st. patrick´s parade, so we created and event uniting, even more, the celtic culture with the spanish identity, sharing it with whomever wanted to join us. after the event, all we expected from the attendees was that to feel the pride of being who we are and learn what celebrating together is all about. for this, all they had to do was to attend and share the moment with us, their friends and their families.

the big idea behind the parede was “the color os st. patrick´s”. the icon that this year united us under our most emotional territories: music, gastronomy and an unstoppable will to celebrate our togetherness.

Live Presentations