Client company:
Organising company:
Fast Forward & Luckytree

The Event

A multi-day urban festival, promoting street culture in the broad sense. A platform for urban talent, to showcase, develop and connect. Belgium’s largest street sports & urban culture festival ever!

ASFALT is a free multi-day urban festival, promoting street culture in the broad sense. The event provides a platform for urban talent, from freerunners to street artists, breakers to BMX’ers, skaters to rappers, basketball players to street footballers, to showcase, develop and connect.
ASFALT stands for the power of the street, the surface that forms the playing field for most street sports and forms of street culture. ASFALT also stands for the power of the community, representing the mentality of street culture: raw, authentic, expressive and creative. But ASFALT also stands for openness and connection, a meeting place that inspires and invites participants and visitors to discover the best of the street scene.
The Flemish Minister of Sport: “With a top event like ASFALT in Ghent, we reached target groups we would otherwise barely reach, if at all. Now everyone could not only go and see the ultimate versions of street sports, but also participate in them themselves.”

With athletes from more than 20 different countries and world-level competitions, ASFALT attracted international attention. And this without losing sight of the local aspect. In cooperation with various social neighbourhood organisations and several Flemish initiatives, an impressive preliminary project was set up over the past six months. Under the banner of Ghent EYC (European Youth Capital), Ghent communities were given the opportunity to roll out their own initiatives. From roller disco to dance competitions, neighbourhood football to skate jams, exhibitions, talks and even a travelling street sports container.
ASFALT not only brought the world’s top street sports and urban culture to our country to inspire visitors. We also wanted to engage them and let them try it out. This was possible on all 4 locations, where the audience could try bouldering, basketball, frisbee, yoga, pilates, calisthenics, panna football, slackline, … but also graffiti workshops and beatbox f.e.

Live Presentations