
UK – Peugeot plans themed incentive event

UK – Peugeot plans themed incentive event

The Gold Recognition event of Peugeot aims to motivate dealership sales executives and sales administrators by recognising performance and achievements in 2012.
The automotive manufacturer has appointed Adding Value to run the incentive, following a six-way pitch.


The incentive weekend event itself will be held at a UK destination, following a teaser campaign. According to Adding Value managing director Tina Morris, the objective of the programme is to create a “fun and interactive experience” for guests.
Morris added: “The theme will run through everything in the campaign. It becomes a much bigger experience for delegates.”

A total of 430 delegates will attend the event, including incentive winners and their partners and Peugeot senior management hosts. The incentive will include an overnight stay, with all activities taking place at one venue.

Peugeot UK dealer events and incentives manager Louise Dowling said: “We had some very good responses to our brief for this key event in our calendar and are pleased to be working with Adding Value to create a fun, impactful and memorable themed experience.”

The employees are motivated through Peugeot’s internal Sales Guild reward and recognition programme, and winners are expected to be announced at the end of the year.

Adding Value’s team working on the incentive includes the agency’s project manager Natasha Schofield and project director Cassander van Eerd.
