
UK – Avantgarde activates Invisalign magic mirrors in Brighton

UK – Avantgarde activates Invisalign magic mirrors in Brighton

The activity took place in Brighton on 23rd February and is due to stop off in Leeds on 10th May, as well as a number of European cities in the coming months.


Align Technology took over a shop front in Brighton’s Lanes, transforming it into a talking mirror so that when shoppers engaged with it, it would provide experiences to make them smile.

Behind the mirror, shoppers would be entertained by a musician serenading them within a floral backdrop scene. Depending on each individual experience, some passers-by were handed a bunch of flowers by models who emerged out of the shop. In other scenarios, the singer would come outside and sing to them.

One lucky person on her hen do who engaged with the window won a free Invisalign treatment as part of the experience.


Sonya Link, senior consumer marketing manager at Align Technology BV, said: “We wanted to carry out an experiential activity that would really make the people of Brighton smile and brighten up their day. There were some fantastic reactions when the mirror transformed and the activity achieved our aim of creating smiles and driving awareness for Invisalign.”
