
UK – A new Purple Guide has been launched

UK – A new Purple Guide has been launched

The Purple Guide, which has been written and produced by bringing together people from across the events industry and government, is designed to replace a document originally produced by the industry with the Health & Safety Executive (HSE) entitled ‘HSG195 A guide to health, safety and welfare at music and similar events’.

Initially the new guide is being published in draft form online with a view to gaining further input from the industry over the summer before it is finally completed towards the end of this year.
The draft, which covers a wide range of events and that can be found online here, currently comprises 24 Chapters with others due to be added over the coming months.

Each chapter in the new guide has been developed through working groups made up of specialists from across the industry, government and services such as fire and police. An editorial panel and steering group appointed by the Forum coordinated the work with funding support from the Concert Promoters Association and members of the Forum.

“It has taken a lot more time and negotiation than we originally hoped to get to a publishable guide but I believe it has been a worthwhile journey,” says EIF Secretary Jim Winship, who has been responsible for managing the project. “We now have a Purple Guide that is up-to-date and within the control of the industry, which means that we can ensure that it is kept up-to-date as practices and legislation change.”

While there is still some work to be done to tidy up elements of the new Guide, the Forum is keen for event organisers and others to trial it over the summer in its draft form and to make comments and suggest amendments by the end of October 2013. After this a final version will be published.

“This has been an amazing effort which demonstrates the commitment and professionalism of those working across all sectors of our industry,” says Graham Lake-Grange from the Major Events Group and Chairman of the Events Industry Forum.
