
The third edition of the ‘European Events Annual’ is online

The third edition of the ‘European Events Annual’ is online

After the distribution of the paper edition at the Awards Ceremony of Best Event Awards, held on November 26th, the digital version of European Events Annual 2013 is finally online. The publication of ADC Group
is the most important collection of events at European level. A real
benchmark for the events industry. As the readers and participants know,
the award is given by the most representative professionals from all
over Europe.

A browsable and downloadable, digital version of it, is available by clicking here.

If you are looking for more details, you can visit EuBEA website, that offers a wide range of information for each Best Event Award edition, just by clicking on the ‘winners
tag. In this section you can search through the years (since its first
edition in 2006), and through every participant, shortlist or winning
event. Once you are on the page of the event that you are interested in,
you can also enjoy the video of it.

As always, the European Events Annual will be distributed during the upcoming international appointments for the event industry.

Soon, you will receive detailed information for the 2014 coming edition.