The name of the president of the European Best Event Awards has been revealed: Carlo Hermes
Enrolment is underway for the European BEA, the contest conceived by Salvatore Sagone – President of the ADC Group – in 2004 and now in its fifth edition.
European BEA is the only award at a European level dedicated to the best events of the year. The objective of the Awards is to validate events as innovative forms of communication, integral to the media mix and an important part of a company’s wider marketing strategy.
This year, an ‘excellent’ professional has accepted the invitation to ‘direct’ the work of the EuBEA jury, who we will present to you today:
“The role of the President is to give visibility to all the members of the jury in order to guarantee a global evaluation and in particular give voice to all the European cultures and in the end to award the best European events, which I hope will not only be maga events, but above all events of great creativity and good execution. The crisis, like everything, also offers some positive elements. In particular I wish to highlight two aspects:
-clients receive more attention from the agencies
-projects of quality find the customer’s agreement and… also the budget.
The best will be even stronger in the future and participating in BEA is a way in order to deal with competition and to become known in the international market. Good luck to all of the participants!”.
Participation in the EuBEA is open to: Events Agencies, Public Relations, Advertising, Promotion, Companies, Web Agencies, Media Centres, Advertising Agencies, Publishers, Production Houses, Public Bodies and Associations, etc., who have carried out a public or private event anywhere in the world, between July 1st 2009 and June 30th 2010.
The deadline for the registration of projects in the Best Event Awards Italy and in the European Best Event Awards is the 30th of July.
As always, the events in the race will be judged by preeminent representatives of the international events sector. Soon online, the complete panel of judges.
In order to sign up and to know more about the awards that will be given, visit the site
For further information:
Mila Camnasio
tel. 0039 02 83102381 0039 02 83102381