
The future is coming : The first business event which is all about the EXPERIENCE.

The future is coming : The first business event which is all about the EXPERIENCE.

From our Russian media partner Live Communication Magazine.

Future of Events 2016 – a new format of business event for event managers and directors, representing both the client’s and agency’s side. It is the Game Changer in the event industry, as the initiators of the project call it. We talked with Steven Wickel, founder & CEO of this ambitious project and discovered all the details and all the reasons why Future of Events is a must attend!

What makes your event unique? Why do you believe, or are you even sure, that there is a place and time for Future of Events?


We believe that as an industry we should start by developing ourselves. The internet has changed our job significantly and not everybody is aware of the possibilities that are here today. We’re always busy-busy-busy. We are too busy even to stop and actually look around. And there’s a lot going on around us. In the event industry, as we are so overloaded and so very busy, we don’t have time to even read the newsletters in order to catch up on what is going on in the world besides our own projects. We get 12-15 newsletters a day and we only scan 2-3 maximum. And as we’re too busy we just delete them. But when you do that, you throw away information that can bring new ideas, tools and even new clients! For example most advertising companies have interns and juniors who read everything during the entire day, so they have the information and can go to your clients with solutions you have deleted. The Future of Events is such an intern for you, scanning all the massive, huge amounts of information in order to point out the best and most essential aspects and bring them to you! Moreover, if newsletters are just for reading, we provide our participants with a complex experience. At Future Of Events you can try, touch, smell, feel, and experience new technologies, new inventions, and innovative tools that are available or are coming soon. All these things that will help you to deliver the real wow-effect for all your projects! We are going to present new gadgets, for instance sustainable balloons and  virtual tools among others, that 99% of event-industry specialists have never heard of. We let you experience what it is and how it works! And how it can improve your business, your creativity level and the effectiveness of your events as well. That’s why we call it a Game Changer of the industry!

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