The First European Festival of Events
As a warm-up for First European Festival of Events, a two day kermesse will be held November 22nd and 23rd at East End Studios, Milan. Protagonists of the initiative, launched by ADC, will be the European events industry: agencies, suppliers, partners……
Everybody will benefit from an intensive programme of seminars and workshops.
Enrico Finzi – Astra Ricerche (an Italian research institute) will present the results of “Monitor on European Events Industry”. For the survey, Italian, Spanish, French, German and English managers belonging to high spender companies in events were interviewed.
Maja De Simoni, CMP in cooperation with European Event ROI Institute, will introduce the topic: “ROI – How to measure events results”, an innovative workshop for the events industry.
At the expo area events suppliers will promote their business by performing their activities on site: caterers will cook, laser entertainment will produce a short show, ……At the same time it will be possible to visit the “Short List on view” an exhibition of all the events that participated in the EuBEA and entered the short list.