
SWEDEN – The world’s first geo-location multiplayer reality game by Jung Von Matt

Step 1 – MINI launched the new MINI Countryman with the global concept  “Getaway”.

Step 2 – The specific challenge in Sweden was to create MINI evangelists. The solution: the world’s biggest reality game on iPhone – transforming Stockholm city into a living game board.


Step 3 – For seven days, we invited everybody with an iPhone to hunt and catch a virtual MINI in Stockholm city and win a real MINI Countryman.
Step 4 – You used an app where you could see the location of the virtual MINI, all other players and yourself. All locations were updated in real time so you could easily follow how everyone moved.

Step 5 – If you got closer than 50 metres of the virtual MINI you could take the virtual MINI with your iPhone.


Step 6 – Then you had to get away, because anyone within 50 metres could take the MINI from you. The person with the virtual MINI in their iPhone when the game finished won a real MINI Countryman.

Step 7 – The virtual MINI had to stay within the Stockholm city border, clearly marked on the game map. If you got outside, you lost the MINI at the border. Anybody could then take the MINI. If your iPhone was switched off you lost the virtual MINI at the last position your GPS registered.

Step 8 – There was a chance to win every game day. If you had the virtual MINI in your iPhone at 8 p.m. you got to drive a real MINI for a week.

Step 9 – On the final day parts of Stockholm were totally jammed with players.  A 22 year old won a real MINI Countryman.

Step 10 – The buzz started spreading within minutes after the app was put up on Appstore. Hundreds of thousands discussed it in social media. After  the virtual MINI event on October 31st people from everywhere followed the game on the website


Step 11 – The campaign created astonishing interaction with the MINI brand. During  the game week  11413 people participated and transported the virtual MINI nearly 1 500 physical kilometers. Average gaming time was 5 hours and 6 minutes per person.