
SPAIN – Spectacular audiovisual show for the last stage of the Vuelta a Espana

SPAIN – Spectacular audiovisual show for the last stage of the Vuelta a Espana

The celebration at the last stage of the Vuelta a España 2014 last Sunday September 14th afforded the city of Compostela a spectacular sound and light show designed and produced by Acciona Producciones y Diseño.

The show formed part of a series of programmed activities for Xunta de Galicia and Concello de Santiago de Compostela to celebrate the importance of the sporting event that moves nearly 3,500 people, is broadcasted in 178 countries, is covered by 800 reporters and transmitted over 33 television channels all over the world.
The impressive audiovisual setting projected over the central façade of the Palacio de Raxoi, using the mapping technique involving a succession of intertwining 3D images, highlighted the touristic, cultural and historical wealth and heritage of Galicia, the Pilgrimage of Santiago and the very city of Santiago de Compostela, making the most of the impact of the finish line of the 2014 Tour in this city.

Besides evoking and recording the emotional moment when the “multicolor snake” that forms the pack of participating cyclists in the Tour of Spain finally arrives in Santiago de Compostela, the enormous screen that the Palacio de Raxoi was converted into served to pay tribute to all of the pilgrims who, on foot and by bicycle, made the city their goal, as well as to show the whole world the region’s goodwill. Cities, villages, countryside and monuments. The Galicia of green pastures, mountains and forests. The blue of its cliffs, estuaries and ocean floors. The historical Galicia, of tradition and memory. And the innovative Galicia, open to the exterior by way of its ports… All of these “Galicias” were the stars of this captivating and surprising show.