
SPAIN – Mini Paceman Club: an event only for gentlemen

SPAIN – Mini Paceman Club: an event only for gentlemen

Mini has released the 7th member of his family: the new Mini Paceman, a city car whose motto intends to be irresistibly “shameless”. What better environment for the presentation of such car than an underground club of the 20s?

Vice created a place inspired by London gentlemen’s clubs of the 18th century and secret parties organised during the American Prohibition.
The only people who had access to the Mini Paceman Club were the finest gentlemen and “classy women who have the attitude of a true gentleman”.


The setting chosen to host the event was the XYZ Room at Palo Alto, a space at Poble Nou, an area which saw Barcelona’s industrial past and that today has been converted into a series of studios and rooms for unconventional events and workshops.

“Access Password?” – “You first.” were the first words exchanged by hostesses and guests at the entrance. After that, the ladies were accompanied to a secondary entrance where they were given everything they needed to become a gentleman: tie or bowtie, suspenders, hat and fake black moustache painted by professional makeup artists.


Inside the main room, a boxing ring, barbers and shoeshines, billiards and poker tables. Then came the climax of the night: the welcome speech of a speaker gave way to the entrance of two boxers, accompanied by a driver in their Minis, who competed in the ring in front of the audience.

After the boxing match and the music of the Carosones, it was the turn of Bimba Bosé, that mixed vintage and electronic tunes in style with the night. The model and singer wasn’t the only famous face there: designers Purification Garcia, Lýdia and Alianto Delgado, models Veronica Blume and Alejandra Prat, actor Santi Millán and a number of influential figures in the entertainment and culture of the city were present among the guests at the party.
