
SPAIN – GPD produced the XXII IberoAmerican Summit in Càdiz

SPAIN – GPD produced the XXII IberoAmerican Summit in Càdiz

GPD was the agency in charge to produce the XXII IberoAmerican Summit that took place in November in Càdiz, Spain. The agency organised this diplomatic conference of highest
level, performing technical and artistic production at the Congress
Centre of the city, where they have developed the main events of the

GPD has also intervened in other sites included in the program
such as San Felipe Neri Church and Gran Teatro Falla performing artistic
and technical work.

Among the participants, there were 1.200 delegates, accreditations
of all countries, and 1.300
of 35 nationalities.

Spain’s King Juan Carlos opened the annual Iberoamerican summit, which brings together the heads of Spain and Portugal and the leaders of Latin America to discuss political issues and arrange business deals.

The leaders greeted each other in the evening at the historic San Felipe Neri Oratory church where Spain’s first constitution was signed in 1812. After an elegant dinner hosted by the King, participants were to talk on the following day about the financial crisis.