
SPAIN – A trip to the Sixties with virtual reality

SPAIN – A trip to the Sixties with virtual reality

The leading venue in the Spanish capital for film premieres and promotional activities at street succumbed to virtual reality. After showing people how they could live in Callao the experience of riding a roller coaster in the space created by Samsung, participants had the possibility an American diner from the sixties and take a trip to the past.

foxspainTo publicize the new series “22/11/63“, Fox went beyond releasing a simple trailer and launching a teaser about the plot, and decided that during the weekend locals could experience firsthand what happens to the main character of the series.

To do so, a diner was created in the middle of the square in Madrid. The restaurant had also a mysterious closet with a secret: when people walked through its doors, they were automatically transferred to 1960. Basically this is exactly what happens to James Franco in the first episode of the series.

foxspain2Upon entering the diner, actors dressed as the characters of the series, following the fashion of the sixties, made participants pass the mysterious room in the back of the restaurant. There, thanks to virtual reality goggles, they had the chance to live a 360° experience, get into the stage and the streets where the series takes place and interact with its characters.

After the trip through time, attendees could enjoy refreshments at the restaurant and hotdogs in the diner and live the atmosphere of the sixties.
